Month: January 2014

Mayflower Hotel, Connecticut Ave.

This mid-1920s building designed by the NYC architects of Grand Central Terminal, Warren and Wetmore, had and has the hotel wing facing Connecticut and at the rear, facing 17th St, it was  originally an apartment tower, now converted to hotel rooms.  Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt stayed here before his first Inaugural. It has also been popular with at least one other NY governor.   It is one of the most commanding buildings on Connecticut Ave and has more architectonic quality than the other elegant Washington hotels.

(c) Bill Lebovich, all rights reserved, 2014ImageImage

Anderson House, now The Society of The Cincinnati Headquarters, Mass. Ave.

Designed for the wealthy Brookline (adjacent to Boston) couple Isabel Weld and Larz Anderson as their winter home in Washington,DC, in approximately 1905 by the Boston architectural firm Little and Brown, it is has since 1937 been home to the oldest patriotic society in this country.  Anderson was the young diplomat with old pedigree and money who married a young multimillionaire heiress.  Their Brookline house is home to an outstanding automobile museum.Image

©Bill Lebovich,all rights reserved,2014.